Links to Other Organizations:
Clog Dancing for a clogging forum, cue sheets, and club listings
C.L.O.G. for the National Clogging Association
NW Cloggers for the Northwest Clogging Bulletin Board
Carousel Cloggers for cue sheets, videos, etc.
Dare to Clog (Darolyn Pchajek) for cue sheets, videos, etc.
Kerriclogs (Kerri Ortner) for cue sheets, videos, etc.
How to Read Cue Sheets - Southern California Clogging Association
Shoes, taps, and other supplies:
Stevens Clogging
Carl's Clogging
Petticoat Junction
National Clogging Convention -- Austin, TX November 24-27, 2022
National Canadian Clogging Convention
Clog Dancing for a clogging forum, cue sheets, and club listings
C.L.O.G. for the National Clogging Association
NW Cloggers for the Northwest Clogging Bulletin Board
Carousel Cloggers for cue sheets, videos, etc.
Dare to Clog (Darolyn Pchajek) for cue sheets, videos, etc.
Kerriclogs (Kerri Ortner) for cue sheets, videos, etc.
How to Read Cue Sheets - Southern California Clogging Association
Shoes, taps, and other supplies:
Stevens Clogging
Carl's Clogging
Petticoat Junction
National Clogging Convention -- Austin, TX November 24-27, 2022
National Canadian Clogging Convention